Food systems and structures

Funding Opportunities

Belfast food Network

Here in Northern Ireland, despite an abundance of producers, distributors and suppliers, we suffer, like the rest of the UK and Ireland,from ever- increasing levels of food poverty, food waste and longer, less efficient supply chains. We seek to combat this state of affairs by promoting a greater profusion and diversity within the food industry, making use of, while not exploiting our resources.

Lockdown Gardening

During the recent Covid 19 crisis, small community growing groups in Northern Ireland diversified their activities, providing food delivery to the vulnerable and isolated, checking in on neighbours through phone-round schemes, and later on in lockdown encouraging their neighbours to grow at home, so that fresh food is still being provided locally.

May Project Gardens

May Project Gardens is an award-winning CIC, working across South London to address poverty, disempowerment, access to resources and influence. We work with marginalised groups, mostly young people, people of colour and refugees, using what we consider universally connecting tools – nature, food and creative arts – for social change.

Miknaf Ha’aretz

Miknaf Ha’aretz organises to heal, repair and reimagine Jewish belonging & connection to land beyond nationalism and zionism. We cultivate earth-based, radical, diasporist jewish community in the UK through immersive courses, retreats & events exploring nature-connection, food & land justice & regenerative farming. We insist on uplifting Jewish safety, belonging and re-connection to land through a politics of solidarity and collective liberation.

Sewing Café Lancaster

Run by Victoria Frausin, Sewing Café Lancaster is a grassroots project that advocates for an ethical textile industry and sustainable textile practices. We draw on ideas of conviviality in actualizing “the eight ‘Rs’” – revalue, reconceptualize, restructure, relocate, redistribute, reduce, reuse and recycle in relation to clothes and textile production and consumption.

Social Farms & Gardens in NI

Social Farms & Gardens in NI have been delivering the FSSSE programme to 23 gardens across the north of Ireland for 18 months, addressing fundamental questions of food sovereignty, power, control, biodiversity and climate instability, equipping us to find our own road to agency, through saving & exchanging seed together.

St Werburghs City Farm

The local and global picture has vastly changed since the Farm emerged in 1980. We need to radically rethink how we engage with our communities, with the land and with our food whilst addressing the Climate Emergency; the importance of equitable access and connection to nature; and dismantling the barriers to engagement faced by people that experience racism. Ultimately, we wish to redefine our vision so that it is fit for a future we want to be part of; an inclusive, accessible and regenerative urban agricultural space.

Street Goat

Street Goat’s mission is to develop a network of small community projects in which local people collectively manage and care for livestock in urban areas, to produce milk and meat. We aim to increase access to sustainable and healthy animal food products reared locally on overgrown and unusable urban land.


WorldWild reconnects people with landscapes through wild food. We do this by producing audio-visual and written content to educate people about the possibilities of a wilder world, to challenge existing food systems, and propose ways wild food can engage people in inter-species, life-sustaining ways to the places they inhabit.

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