The Restore project is about engaging polar opposite communities, locals of traditional welsh valleys and communities of asylum seekers and refugees, bridging the differences using food and the production of food, creating a space to belong and to learn. Activities such as foresting/rewilding, permaculture, aquaponics along with counselling and creative therapies will be developed. The project is based in Mountain Ash, part of the Cynon Valley, where much hope was stripped away due to industry disappearing and laid bare for many years. Through this collaborative initiative, we want to be able to share stories of hope from asylum seekers and refugees, build a new worldview and reliance for locals and inturn create an agile, prosperous community that will be a beacon and example to the rest of the area.
Here is the information in 50 words:
Our project engages polar opposite communities, locals of welsh valleys and asylum seekers and refugees, bridging the differences using food and the production of food, creating a space to belong and to learn. Through this initiative, we want to better community cohesion and in-turn create an agile, prosperous community.