Domestic resilience and creative communities

Funding Opportunities

9ft in Common

An investigation about ownership, access, disruption and place. 9ft in Common uncovers the complexities and shares the possibilities of an infrastructure of urban alleyways, Belfast’s wild and liminal spaces. 9ft in Common is developed across the disciplines of art and architecture by Amberlea Neely (Starling Start) and Aisling Rusk (Studio Idir).


Asset of Community Value (ACV) document community and culture through print, digital and collaborative real-life projects that bring people together in a supercollider of diversity. The collective showcase their work through an annual 200-page publication, spotlighting communities, grassroots organisations & artists working with people-based practices and themes of social justice.

Ashburnham Place

At Ashburnham Place we are developing two sites – one in our four acre Walled Garden and another in a slightly wilder area of woodland and field; this area is called Friar’s Field. The long-term purpose of both is to provide experience and training that helps others on their journey toward gentler, more sustainable and connected ways of living.

Awareness with Horses

Our mission is to help create, and help others create a more peaceful, sustainable world through equine assisted experiential learning and therapeutic interventions that support learning and growth, self-awareness, mental health well-being, resilience, co-creative leadership skills and nature connection, for both adults and young people, we work one to one and in small groups.

Becoming British

British is a performative exhibition that seeks to interrogate processes of ‘Becoming’ and help audiences explore their own experience of nationality. Centering the voices of migrant artists and community members it will educate, entertain and inform – building
towards a documentary performance piece to be toured in 2023.

Bella Caledonia

Bella Caledonia is Scotland’s Fifth Estate. Our aim is to transform our media into a vibrant, critical mass of dissident voices; to create a space for writers and artists to collaborate and cross-fertilise their resistance. We aim to give voices to the unheard, to amplify the excluded and the marginalised, and to continue to create a space for self-determination, autonomy and independence.

City of Sanctuary

City of Sanctuary UK is running a collaborative film-making initiative called #SanctuaryStoriesOnline to share local stories of creating a culture of welcome for people seeking sanctuary and to communicate our network principles to our growing online audience. To date, 2 films have been commissioned with contributions from 10 participants and 1 training session.

Drawing as Stimming

Drawing as stimming looks to create a time where stimming can happen, through drawing and in response to artworks in the gallery setting, or online in response to art collections. Drawing as Stimming seeks to explore how drawing and mark making can support non-verbal interpretation of artworks, whilst also enabling safe spaces to stimm.


Dwellbeing is a soon-to-be community benefit society and co-operative in the neighbourhood of Shieldfield, Newcastle upon Tyne. As community members we undertake creative and socially oriented projects which build community knowledge about the issues that affect the neighbourhood including: rapid urban development, gentrification, food poverty and social isolation. We explore alternative models for organising, learning and solidarity which can lead Shieldfield (and other neighbourhoods like it) toward self-reliance, resilience and interdependence.


Enough! is a collective formed in response to social, economic and ecological crises within a Scottish context. Through framings of degrowth, decolonisation and deep adaption, we actively respond to emerging (and existing) crisis realities and make visible ideas which are explicitly challenging and exploring alternatives to capitalism. 


Foreshadowing is the transnational initiative dedicated to grieving ecological loss. This space builds and activates multi-platforms and resources for interrogating neo-colonial structure around the climate crisis and developing the agency and intelligence for collective witnessing and transformative healing. It aims to process grief through community-led interspecies epistemology.


Fourthland is a socially engaged artist practice bringing together diverse groups of people through creative processes that reposition our relationship to each other and the land. Working across a variety of mediums and social processes, Fourthland becomes a place that brings marginalised knowledge into the center to form new myths about land and people.

Fuel Poverty Action

Fuel Poverty Action confronts the climate and cost of living catastrophes as one fossil-fuelled crisis. We support residents fighting for safe, non-flammable insulation; warm secure housing; reliable, affordable communal heating systems; windfall taxes on energy corporation profits; and fair energy pricing. Born 2011, we’re a small but growing grassroots group.

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