Don’t Google It began via conversations between thinkers, activists, artists and producers across the UK. This initial phase has been funded through Necessity.
This project has had a slow and cautious beginning. Originally conceived pre-Coronavirus, it had slightly different intentions back in February 2020. This is now unimportant though as we seek to find healthy, rigorous ways to connect and communicate lives, experiences and information in a changed and changing world.
Series 1 themed itself on Institutions. Lara Haworth takes on the wedding industrial complex in her epic work ‘ALL THE PEOPLE I HURT WITH MY WEDDING’, weaving in stories from other people, as well as her own, to try and understand the unspoken pains and trials of weddings and marriage. In nnull’s work ‘A Monster Outside Of Human Law’ they detail some of the processes that (im)migrants face when trying to gain human rights through the UK visa system, and asks vital questions about UK resident’s power to help people who need it. In Matthew de Kersaint Giraudeau’s ‘What Does Power Looks Like? Part 1: Metaphors’, he unpacks the world around us and the symbols of power which surround us. And in episode 4, Bhavani Esapathi and Dr Martin Mangler recall their experiences of encountering the Hostile Environment at its powerful worst, when Bhavani was almost deported whilst in a coma, awaiting surgery.
Series 2 is coming out in mid-April and will be looking at ‘Toolkits’ … Toolkits for how to depopulate the internet, ideas for avoiding searching online when single-parenting in lockdown… and again, lots more.
So yeah, just one more thing… there’s a call for applications open right now for Series 3 + 4 and it can be found over at where you can also watch Series 1.