In 2019 the Earth Logic Action Research Plan for fashion was launched. This new work Gardening Earth Logic ‘cultivates’ the ground that was laid by the Plan to sow seeds of change in order for a mature and varied ecology of Earth Logic fashion practices to grow. The project focuses on the governance of Earth Logic by using and developing principles of gardening to tend to and grow the UK wide and international Earth Logic community. We see gardening as a helpful metaphor and source of inspiration to achieve governance that genuinely works with postgrowth, de-colonialisation, gender equality, anti-violence in their interplay with Covid-19.
Gardening Earth Logic involves making a series of short films to investigate Earth Logic landscapes. The films contain invitations and a resource to seed and garden Earth Logic by sharing simple exercises and practices which can be conducted with a community, such as a household, school, office, in the park, on or offline. The films exemplify and inspire Earth Logic practices through dialogue with a plurality of expertise and perspectives. They include, among others: teenagers, captains of industry, lifestyle journalists, climate and health scientists – perspectives from citizens, commons, market and state. They will also include engaging with wisdom from other species and forces, a moth, a cotton plant, a river, re- energising learning and challenging anthropocentric, sexist, racist, ablebodyist, ageist norms which co-thrive with a logic of economic growth. Making the films with a growing Earth Logic community, is gardening Earth Logic in and with crises. Covid-19 – and more – will determine off/online configuration. We are learning with and sharing through processes of action and reflection. Developing the gardening principles and practicing them through the film making, we are exploring valuable insights into how we can practically ‘stay with the trouble’ and make change in the context of interplaying climate change, mental health, money stress, sexism and racism and other grounds of oppression and exclusion, at the level of the individual and community and at the level of our Earth.