The Cultured Club is dedicated to the sharing of wisdom and knowledge of the invisible microbes capable of creating better host health through the process of fermentation and natural health practices. We see the body as an ecosystem, acknowledging its interconnection and we aim to bring balance to our microbiomes one mouthful at a time.
We welcome a diversity of diet and health practices to nurture our microbiota spreading health by making these skills and this knowledge available to all. We seek and strive to share the natural wisdom which nature offers and we wish to empower you to make your own food medicine from the food nature provides.
We share this knowledge through a series of tutorials which introduce the many fermentation options available to you throughout the year, including the many free and forgeable foods nature, in its wild display, provides.
By adopting this skill into your culinary repertoire throughout the year you will create living foods which not only nurture your microbiome, they also pay attention to every internal organ. The liver, the kidneys, the heart, the brain, the female menstrual cycle and so on, all benefit from specific attention to their unique ecosystem. The many natural herbs, plants and health techniques we explore help to maintain their balance and function.
Our gut health is fundamental to our human health, both physically and mentally. The well being and diversity of our microbiome is our resilience to the ever changing external shift of nature.
It is a vast universe still under discovery consisting of millions of species of microbes inhabiting every niche of the human body. To ignore it is to deny our health one of the simplest and most accessible efforts we can make to be well.