Radical reconciliation

Funding Opportunities


Asset of Community Value (ACV) document community and culture through print, digital and collaborative real-life projects that bring people together in a supercollider of diversity. The collective showcase their work through an annual 200-page publication, spotlighting communities, grassroots organisations & artists working with people-based practices and themes of social justice.

Awareness with Horses

Our mission is to help create, and help others create a more peaceful, sustainable world through equine assisted experiential learning and therapeutic interventions that support learning and growth, self-awareness, mental health well-being, resilience, co-creative leadership skills and nature connection, for both adults and young people, we work one to one and in small groups.

Becoming British

British is a performative exhibition that seeks to interrogate processes of ‘Becoming’ and help audiences explore their own experience of nationality. Centering the voices of migrant artists and community members it will educate, entertain and inform – building
towards a documentary performance piece to be toured in 2023.

Bella Caledonia

Bella Caledonia is Scotland’s Fifth Estate. Our aim is to transform our media into a vibrant, critical mass of dissident voices; to create a space for writers and artists to collaborate and cross-fertilise their resistance. We aim to give voices to the unheard, to amplify the excluded and the marginalised, and to continue to create a space for self-determination, autonomy and independence.

Drawing as Stimming

Drawing as stimming looks to create a time where stimming can happen, through drawing and in response to artworks in the gallery setting, or online in response to art collections. Drawing as Stimming seeks to explore how drawing and mark making can support non-verbal interpretation of artworks, whilst also enabling safe spaces to stimm.


Foreshadowing is the transnational initiative dedicated to grieving ecological loss. This space builds and activates multi-platforms and resources for interrogating neo-colonial structure around the climate crisis and developing the agency and intelligence for collective witnessing and transformative healing. It aims to process grief through community-led interspecies epistemology.


Fourthland is a socially engaged artist practice bringing together diverse groups of people through creative processes that reposition our relationship to each other and the land. Working across a variety of mediums and social processes, Fourthland becomes a place that brings marginalised knowledge into the center to form new myths about land and people.

Hopeful solidarities

Hopeful Solidarities is a collaboration between three writer-teacher-activists and community
organisations we are part of in Brighton and Hove. In times of multiple intersecting crises,
ranging from struggles for daily survival in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, the spiralling cost
of living, climate change and the racist legacies of European colonialism, we explore and work
alongside islands of hope. We engage with members of our community organisations, listening
to people’s reflections on their own stories in the light of the present moment, and seek to
build on emergent solidarities through everyday, practical and creative work including writing,
film, photography, food and music.

Impact Hub Bradford

At the heart of Impact Hub Bradford is a platform for social experimentation, our “Civic Collaboratory”; an organisational form that encompasses social processes, collaboration, co-design, formal and informal communication and consensus on principles and values. As both learners and facilitators at the intersection of various key sectors – public, private, voluntary, academic, entrepreneurial, NGOs and academia – the collaboratory is a hub that convenes and creates dialogue across unconnected disciplines.

Jo Chalkblack

As a social-practice artist, Jo Chalkblack initiates processes of authentic connection in every day places (schools, urban green spaces, graveyards, city through-routes). Whilst also using site specific, temporary processes to connect with hinterland spaces (woodland, wild spaces, vacant buildings) to enable individuals and communities to navigate through ‘crossroads of change’ and to mark that transition together. She approaches her work collaboratively; moving away from human-centric ideas of what this means and understanding how dynamics of power, language and history affect people’s choices and ability to engage together in moments change.


Lantana is a children’s book publisher and social enterprise that believes in the power of reading to encourage children towards a greater sense of self-worth, self-esteem and belonging. By publishing inclusive books by authors from under-represented groups, their books promote diversity and inclusion, social and racial justice, female empowerment, and empathy.

Miknaf Ha’aretz

Miknaf Ha’aretz organises to heal, repair and reimagine Jewish belonging & connection to land beyond nationalism and zionism. We cultivate earth-based, radical, diasporist jewish community in the UK through immersive courses, retreats & events exploring nature-connection, food & land justice & regenerative farming. We insist on uplifting Jewish safety, belonging and re-connection to land through a politics of solidarity and collective liberation.

Mouries Collective

We, Mouries Collective, are a fluid and interdisciplinary group of female artists, researchers and therapists based in Athens, Greece. Originally we gathered due to our common interests in healing and divination practices. We focus on developing connections with trees, plants and the diverse beings with whom we share this planet. We are now working under […]


The Permaculture Responds project will make our network of projects, educators and practitioners and all the brilliant learning and practice that we have built up over the years, more accessible to more people. We will support people to get involved through events, increased communications and bursary places on the new online learning course.

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