Good Grief is a podcast about grief and how we develop, learn and form meaningful traditions around it made by Jay Gearing, a filmmaker based in Peterborough.
The podcast explores why death is a taboo subject, specifically in the UK, and how we might open up dialogue surrounding it, make it more acceptable to talk about and to make it a healthy part of our lives and experiences. It aims to unravel pre-conceptions and explore beyond the traditional Great British reserve to address fears of loss and grief.
Throughout the series Jay talks to a broad range of people about their experiences of grief including people from diverse faiths and cultures to share their insights. He also talks to professionals who deal with death and loss on a regular basis.
Whilst the theme of this podcast isn’t exactly happy-go-lucky, it explores the depth and breadth of the human experience, with tears, love, humour and a celebration of life and tries to discover if there is such a thing as good grief?
The ongoing podcast series can be found here: or by search “Good Grief Jay Gearing” in your preferred podcast platform.
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