Greater Manchester Homelessness Action Network: Creating opportunity for collective sense making and group decisions. We are seeking funding to run a ULab process to support GMHAN to reflect collectively, from different perspectives, on the changing situation around homelessness, and co-design what happens next.
Given the disruption and uncertainty brought about by the global Coronavirus Pandemic we want to harness the strong networks already established in Greater Manchester to best respond and imagine what is possible. In a situation involving so many unknowns and changing variables we feel it is vital to create space for creativity and possibility, dwelling beyond what is already known – in this way we can build on our work so far and best respond to new and changing challenges.
We will bring together, remotely, people from within GMHAN including people currently living with the challenges related to homelessness, frontline workers, strategic decision makers and influencers. This will involve people from related networks and sectors, covering all forms of homelessness, prevention, poverty, inclusion, multiple disadvantage, health, strategic housing etc. This process will create time and structure through which to both reflect, understand what is happening and where choice points are, and ensure that we find solutions that truly work for all.
GM Transformation Lab is a journey of collective sense making with participants from across Greater Manchester, based on ULab. We will come together fortnightly from June to August, through this time of transition and uncertainty, to share and hear each other, open ourselves to different perspectives, and support each other to lean into emerging future possibilities. As we co-create this journey, we find the curiosity, compassion and courage to step into a space where we don’t know what the outcome will be, to let go, and let come.