SHED has resourced a community facilitator, Francis Dawson, who will help to connect and foster the diverse partnerships and friendships which have emerged over the course of several years of conversation, reflection, and action in Morecambe Bay. From this grounded movement a core group of around 35 has committed to support and care for one another, further strengthen our community and networks, support the initiatives which are already under way, and discover and encourage prototype initiatives.
Existing initiatives include a number of projects in the areas of sustainable food futures and climate resilience, in which the Eden education project has been a valued partner. The group works across the spheres of the personal, social, economic, political, and ecological life of the Bay region. Guiding principles are that initiatives should be personalist, fully inclusive, and ‘bottom up’ rather than ‘top down’. We work alongside the Poverty Truth Commission in seeking to instantiate these principles within our practices. Another area of partnership is with Sociology Department researchers at Lancaster University, where the Social Action Research Group will engage complementary academic research alongside a commitment to practical activism.