At a time when business as usual has comprehensively failed, we need new ways of managing. RADMIN is an invitation to all administrators – by which we mean everyone – to venture off-plan and out of familiar limits to explore grey areas (regulatory, spatial, conversational, operational, financial, categorical and existential).
To date, RADMIN has appeared in the shape of a summit, a festival and a reader. Its radical yet delicate proposal is to reconsider administration as not just an infernal condition of life – an endless stream of demands from hostile outside forces – but also a site for action and intervention, wild experiments, new solidarities and meaningful work.
Organising in and for uncertainty is a current and critical condition, in the
arts as elsewhere. For the next RADMIN we will relinquish pre-planning and gather together to improvise agreements, administrate spaces for art to happen, tune our attention to descent and caravan (as in collectively move). In the process we will take up the difficult arts of collective decision making, speculation (in the form of ‘rapt attention’ – forming a theory without firm evidence) and being alone. This event will be open to the characters, circumstances and elements it encounters.
RADMIN is also an ongoing channel and lab space for the Feral Business Research Network and the Institute of Experiments with Business, a cluster of places and people working with burning questions of how business as we know it can be different.