
WorldWild reconnects people with landscapes through wild food. We do this by producing audio-visual and written content to educate people about the possibilities of a wilder world, to challenge existing food systems, and propose ways wild food can engage people in inter-species, life-sustaining ways to the places they inhabit.


Gentle/Radical is an artist-run socially engaged project, centering healing and social justice, decolonial practice, and non-extractivist engagement. How power works, how it’s historically been organised, and how we transform this – is the starting point for what we do. Intersectional and cross-disciplinary, we curate, collaborate and build projects via cultural praxis that seek to make the marginal, our mainstream.

St Werburghs City Farm

The local and global picture has vastly changed since the Farm emerged in 1980. We need to radically rethink how we engage with our communities, with the land and with our food whilst addressing the Climate Emergency; the importance of equitable access and connection to nature; and dismantling the barriers to engagement faced by people that experience racism. Ultimately, we wish to redefine our vision so that it is fit for a future we want to be part of; an inclusive, accessible and regenerative urban agricultural space.

Belfast food Network

Here in Northern Ireland, despite an abundance of producers, distributors and suppliers, we suffer, like the rest of the UK and Ireland,from ever- increasing levels of food poverty, food waste and longer, less efficient supply chains. We seek to combat this state of affairs by promoting a greater profusion and diversity within the food industry, making use of, while not exploiting our resources.


ISOR supports people who live ethnically or culturally nomadic lives in terms of security, liberty, expression and free movement. We unite around issues that affect all nomadic cultures. We seek the common ground that can be found through the experiences of cultural diversity. Sustainability is a fundamental concern for us.

Good Law Project

Good Law Project uses the law to protect the interests of the UK public. We prioritise tackling poverty and inequality, protecting the environment and upholding democracy.

Solidarity Apothecary

The mission of the Solidarity Apothecary is to materially support revolutionary struggles and communities with plant medicines to strengthen collective autonomy, self-defence and resilience to climate change, capitalism and state violence. It was started by Nicole Rose, an anarchist organiser and ex-prisoner dedicated to making herbalism radical and accessible.


Enough! is a collective formed in response to social, economic and ecological crises within a Scottish context. Through framings of degrowth, decolonisation and deep adaption, we actively respond to emerging (and existing) crisis realities and make visible ideas which are explicitly challenging and exploring alternatives to capitalism. 

West End Women and Girls Centre

We are the first and only open access, community based women and girls centre in Newcastle. We aim to build the power of women and girls, who have been, and continue to be disenfranchised. We seek to drive positive change in the world, our community and in women and girls’ lives.


Groundswell is undertaking research to understand the impacts of COVID-19 on the lives of people experiencing homelessness. The project aims to understand how COVID-19 and the response to it is affecting the lives of people who are homeless and include the voices of people experiencing homelessness in the national and local decision-making processes.

City of Sanctuary

City of Sanctuary UK is running a collaborative film-making initiative called #SanctuaryStoriesOnline to share local stories of creating a culture of welcome for people seeking sanctuary and to communicate our network principles to our growing online audience. To date, 2 films have been commissioned with contributions from 10 participants and 1 training session.

The Birch Collective

We are a new collective formed in response to the current context. We developed ‘Nature Connection Tools for Resilience;’ an online course for 18-25 yr olds which will run alongside Rites of Passage camps. Both explore ways young people can deepen their relationship to the natural world, themselves and each other and so begin a journey of inspired and engaged adulthood.

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