We Talk is a platform that makes asylum seekers and community voices heard. On the podcast we really do welcome everyone.
We Talk is a platform that makes asylum seekers and community voices heard. On the podcast we really do welcome everyone.
Sounding The Voices scores collaborative exchanges between six women with lived experience of challenging histories. How might we ‘sound’ the space between our pasts and presents, personally and collectively, to shape futures resisting complacency and despair, and in doing so, offering a ‘being, otherwise’?
The Southwark and Lewisham Women’s Hubs offer trauma-informed, one-stop-shop support for women affected by the criminal justice system and multiple disadvantage from two safe and welcoming women’s centres in South London.
The local and global picture has vastly changed since the Farm emerged in 1980. We need to radically rethink how we engage with our communities, with the land and with our food whilst addressing the Climate Emergency; the importance of equitable access and connection to nature; and dismantling the barriers to engagement faced by people that experience racism. Ultimately, we wish to redefine our vision so that it is fit for a future we want to be part of; an inclusive, accessible and regenerative urban agricultural space.
Street Goat’s mission is to develop a network of small community projects in which local people collectively manage and care for livestock in urban areas, to produce milk and meat. We aim to increase access to sustainable and healthy animal food products reared locally on overgrown and unusable urban land.
Raised on a London council estate, Talia Randall began her artistic career began as a ‘participant’ in various community schemes. She’s now a writer-performer who has been building a growing following with her variety shows, one-woman plays and podcasts.
Based in Brighton & Hove, Team Domenica supports young people with learning disabilities – our
candidates – to acquire the skills, confidence and independence they need to gain paid employment,
to reach their full potential and find their place in society.
Tenants Union is a network of powerful local branches where tenants have the knowledge and power to tackle housing issues in their local area. Our network centres around Greater Manchester, and over the coming months we will be combining our local branches to form Greater Manchester Tenants Union.
We are a new collective formed in response to the current context. We developed ‘Nature Connection Tools for Resilience;’ an online course for 18-25 yr olds which will run alongside Rites of Passage camps. Both explore ways young people can deepen their relationship to the natural world, themselves and each other and so begin a journey of inspired and engaged adulthood.
The Class Work Project is a workers co-operative focusing on class stigma and marginalisation. We centre the knowledge and experiences of poor and working-class people by publishing our quarterly journal Lumpen, and delivering workshops on class. We also work to create opportunities for the redistribution of resources within social movements.
The Coping Mechanism monitors how people are coping with the pandemic both with positive pro-social coping (resilience) and negative anti-social coping (defendedness) and how financial stability & racial privilege impact coping.
The Cultured Club is dedicated to the sharing of wisdom and knowledge of the invisible microbes capable of creating better host health through the process of fermentation and natural health practices. We see the body as an ecosystem, acknowledging its interconnection and we aim to bring balance to our microbiomes one mouthful at a time. We […]
Founded by Maria Benjamin in 2021, The Farmer’s Yarns is a Cumbrian wool event that showcases farm2yarn micro businesses. Wool is a fantastic, natural, biodegradable resource that is currently undervalued. The Farmer’s Yarns highlights and celebrates the positive impact those making the most of this fibre can have. It brings together people open to knowledge sharing and collaborative working.
Domestic Abuse is not inevitable. Every year, globally, millions of people suffer and lose their lives as a result of this epidemic. At The Feel Better Project we use evidence and research to understand the causes that lead to violence, and what steps we can all take to preventing this tragic cycle.
Within Human Nature lies the ability to create, connect and adapt to change.
The Human Nature Project’s ambition is to strengthen our emotional connection with the more-than-human world, while at the same time strengthening our sense of connection to each other, and to our own individual mental health and resilience.
The London Renters’ Union is a member-led, campaigning union. We take action with our members to win better housing conditions in the here and now as well as organsing to transform the housing system so that it serves people instead of profit.
A collaboration between Phytology, Rasheeqa Ahmad of Hedge Herbs, and a growing network of talented volunteers, Mobile Apothecary supports underserved communities in the locality with good quality, homegrown and communally-made herbal remedies.
The NewBridge Project is an active artist-led community that supports artists, curators and local communities. NewBridge produces a public programme that is responsive to the environment in which it exists, and that places community-centred, experimental, collaborative and socially conscious programming at its heart.
The Shieling Project is a social enterprise and community-based off-grid education centre in Glenstrathfarrar, near Beauly in the Scottish Highlands. We use the story of the ‘shieling’ (àirigh in Scottish Gaelic) as a route into place-based learning about crofting, horticulture, green building, food growing and cooking, renewable technologies, traditional skills, crafts and culture. The idea is simple: to explore the landscape’s past to help build a more sustainable, resilient future.
The Star and Shadow Cinema is a community owned cooperative in Newcastle upon Tyne. It is 100% volunteer run.
The building which houses a 90-seater cinema, 220-capacity music venue, café, meeting room, Changing Places Loo, workshops and a community garden, is owned by the members.
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